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"Move" + the RR

An upper body focused routine. Essentially contains the r/bodyweightfitness “recommended routine” with the "Move" body control, hand balancing work, mobility, and more. A routine made for balancing goals of building muscle, losing fat, and learning hand balancing skills.

Warmup + Body Control

10-60 s
10-60 s
10-60 s
10-60 s
10-60 s

Handbalancing Work

1-5 mins

Strength Work

Rows & Pull-up Progression
5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Dip Progression
5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps
Push-up & Incline Row Progression
5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Cardio (Optional)

Cardio (Treadmill, Bike, Elliptical, Stairmaster, etc.)
10-45 mins